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I will work with you on YOUR individual needs.  Individual counseling may address anxiety, past trauma, depression, gut-stress issues and other mood concerns.  We will work on finding your life worth living and celebrating your wins.  Holistic wellness and balance will be a primary focus.  I will challenge you to consider alternatives in your thinking.  

Somatics and Embodied Healing

This area of focus is about stepping into our bodies and the understanding our nervous systems.  Our bodies inherently seek safety and connection through a variety of strategies.  We want to remember and understand where you came from, think about where you are going while also remaining in the present.   Focusing on the polyvagal theory and learning to create anchors of safety.   We will learn to turn pain into beauty and allow for equality of sorrow and joy to exist in the same space.  Mindfulness and meditative practice and focused session of exploring our sensations are important elements of embodied practice. 


EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a psychotherapy that enables people to heal from the symptoms and emotional distress that are the result of disturbing life experiences.  Repeated studies show that by using EMDR therapy people can experience the benefits of psychotherapy that once took years to make a difference. It is widely assumed that severe emotional pain requires a long time to heal.  EMDR therapy shows that the mind can in fact heal from psychological trauma much as the body recovers from physical trauma.  For example: when you cut your hand, your body works to close the wound.  If a foreign object or repeated injury irritates the wound, it festers and causes pain.   However, once the block is removed, healing resumes.   EMDR works to remove the block, to clear out the neuropathways and uses bi-lateral stimulation to encourage healing.  EMDR works very well with DBT-as the first stages of EMDR require us to establish a calm-safe place and skills to self-regulate. 

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I will provide support to couples and encourage finding a middle path to improving the relationship.  We will explore what brought the couple together initially to the relationship.  We will navigate through the current challenges to come out stronger on the other side.    It is our struggles that help us find our true strengths.  We will apply this principle to the relationship and view our challenges as a pathway to stronger individuals and a healthier relationship.


Stress is toxic to the mind and to our physical bodies..   When managed, it can greatly improve our overall functioning and well-being.   No matter your presentation, we will address self care.  Self care is the non-negotiable in our relationship.   I will provide you with simple and realistic stress relief, mindfulness and meditation techniques.   Trauma will be treated through Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.  


A unique aspect of DBT is its focus on acceptance of a patient's experience as a way for therapists to reassure them -- and balance the work needed to change negative behaviors.

Standard comprehensive DBT has four parts:

  • Individual therapy

  • Skills training

  • Phone coaching, if needed for crises between sessions

  • Consultation group for health care providers to stay motivated and discuss patient care

  • DBT will meet the patient where they are and we assume that you are doing the best that you can in that moment.

Patients agree to do homework to practice new skills. 

I believe in supporting and encouraging the practice of serenity, peace, spirituality and prayer with clients who would like to walk that journey.

Behavioral Health Consultation

As an expert with over 20 years of experience in the provision of inpatient and residential treatment care, I have the ability and the experience to provide a non-biased and expert review of potential legal cases that involve concerns with care provided.  A review of the reasonable standards of care will be at the forefront of my review.   For litigators who are are currently seeking an expert to review the case, please contact me for a free consultation call to determine if I have the ability to meet you and your client's needs.   


Anxiety and intrusive thoughts can be overwhelming and life-interfering.  We will work on cognitive approaches to address these.  We will explore your core beliefs and how those impact how you interpret the world.  We will consider the proof in your thoughts and allow you to gain back the power.   We will pull somatic and breathwork to this practice

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